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Environmental Green Technology:

J.P. Kempf is Leeding The Way in Green Technology. Our advanced new custom design systems save over 60% in energy usage and greenhouse gases over proprietary type mechanical systems.

Global Climate Change is one of the major problems facing us in the 21st century. Unchecked energy use could lead to even more severe storms, crop failures and rising sea levels. Although the issues are global, the solutions are often local. Maintaining the operating efficiency of your system is crucial to your operating expenses and your bottom line. J.P. Kempf works with its clients to adopt a continuous energy efficiency improvement plan and implement energy efficiency programs and scheduled maintenance. This helps to reduce electrical usage and overall costs.

Ammonia Refrigerant
As a refrigerant, ammonia offers three distinct advantages over other commonly used industrial refrigerants. First, ammonia is environmentally compatible. It does not deplete the ozone layer and does not contribute to global warming. Second, ammonia has superior thermodynamic qualities; as a result, ammonia refrigeration systems use less electricity. Third, ammonia's recognizable odor is its greatest safety asset. Unlike most other industrial refrigerants that have no odor, ammonia refrigeration has a proven safety record in part because leaks are not likely to escape detection. Ammonia continues to be the leading refrigerant of choice for industrial refrigeration within the Food and Beverage Industry.


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